Crop Insurance

Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI)

Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) provides comprehensive protection against weather-related causes of loss and certain other unavoidable perils. Coverage is available at 50 to 85 percent of the actual production history (APH) for the farm. Price election from 55 to 100 percent of the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation expected market price is selected at the time of purchase. Minimum Catastrophic Risk Protection (CAT) coverage is available for an administrative fee of only $655 per crop per county.

MPCI coverage provides protection against low yields and poor quality as well as prevented planting, late planting and replanting costs for most crops. MPCI policy benefits include cash-flow protection, good loan collateral, added confidence when developing crop marketing plans, stability for long-term business plans and family security. The MPCI policy is a continuous policy and will remain in effect for each crop year following the acceptance of the original application.

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Serving Delaware and Maryland Farmers

As a farmer, you know better than anyone that experience counts. King Crop Insurance has been servicing farmers on Delmarva for over 55 years. We understand the major risks you face and we can help minimize your financial risk by providing comprehensive crop insurance services. Our focus is and always has been exclusively the farming community.

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